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Patient Pamphlets – Things Clinicians and Patients Should Question

October 17, 2018 - EllesmereFamilyHealth

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Patient Pamphlets

Choosing Wisely Canada uses plain language and patient-friendly materials to complement the lists of “Things Clinicians and Patients Should Question.”

These patient materials are being disseminated broadly through a variety of channels. The materials are meant to help patients learn about the tests and treatments in question, when they are necessary and when they are not, and what patients can do to improve their health.

View the Pamphlets at Choosing Wisely Canada: https://choosingwiselycanada.org/patient-pamphlets

The following are the title of the pamphlets available on the Choosing Wisely Canada Website:

* Antibiotics for Urinary Tract Infections in Older People: When you need them and when you don’t
* Avoid Unnecessary Treatments in the ED: Talking with the doctor can help you make the best decision
* Bone Density Tests: When you need them and when you don’t
* Care at the End of Life for Advanced Cancer Patients: When to stop cancer treatment
* Chest X-rays Before Surgery: When you need them and when you don’t
* Chronic Kidney Disease: Making hard choices
* Colds, Flu, and Other Respiratory Infections: Don’t Rush to Antibiotics
* Colonoscopy: When you need it and when you don’t
* Common Tests, Treatments and Procedures You May Think You Need: Let’s think again
* CT Scans for Adults with Head Injuries: When you need one and when you don’t
* CT Scans to Find a Blood Clot in the Lungs: When you need one and when you don’t
* ECG (Electrocardiogram): When you need it and when you don’t
* Echocardiogram Before Surgery: When you need it and when you don’t
* Feeding Tubes for People with Alzheimer’s Disease: When you need them – and when you don’t
* Health Check-ups: When you need them and when you don’t
* Heart Tests Before Surgery: When you need an imaging test and when you don’t
* Imaging Tests for Headaches: When you need them and when you don’t
* Imaging Tests for Lower Back Pain: When you need them and when you don’t
* Insomnia and Anxiety in Older People: Sleeping pills are usually not the best solution
* Lab Tests Before Surgery: When you need them and when you don’t
* Low-Risk Prostate Cancer: Don’t rush to get treatment
* Opioids – When you need them and when you don’t
* Pain Medicines: What to do if you have heart problems or kidney disease
* Palliative Care: Support at any time during a serious illness
* Pap Tests: When you need them and when you don’t
* Preventing Infections in the Hospital: Watch out for these two practices
* Treating Blocked Leg Arteries: When you need a procedure and when you don’t
* Treating Disruptive Behaviour in People with Dementia: Antipsychotic drugs are usually not the best choice
* Treating Frequent Headaches with Pain Relievers: Don’t take them too often
* Treating Heartburn and Gastro-Esophageal Reflex (GERD): Using proton-pump inhibitors (PPI) carefully
* Treating Lower Back Pain: How much bed rest is too much?
* Treating Migraine Headaches: Some drugs should rarely be used
* Treating Osteoarthritis of the Knee: Popular supplements don’t work
* Treating Sinus Infections: Don’t rush to antibiotics
* Treatment for Erection Problems: When you need testosterone treatment and when you don’t
* Vitamin D Tests: When you need them and when you don’t

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